🕳️ Back To The White Cliffs

Dimensions: 16:9
Technique & Material: Photography, AIGC
Year: 2023, 2 months

Jarman, Derek. Journey to Avebury. 1971.
"Back To The White Cliffs" is an experimental short film that blends documentary photography with AIGC elements, inspired by Derek Jarman's Journey to Avebury. Through the lens of Marcuse’s concept of Eros and liberation, I explore the personal archives of my friends and myself as we journey back from the civilised city to the white cliffs. 

The film delves into how, in an accelerated societal context, groups gradually liberate themselves from the alienating rules of capitalist society and move toward a natural environment, in search of the primal true self. The soundtrack transitions from the mechanical, heavy sounds in the early stages to purer, natural sounds. This project aims to resonate with viewers, encouraging them to pursue a positive and authentic true self.

🕳️ Hebei International Industrial Design Festival
🕳️ Asia Design Festival

🕳️ Yuqing Gao